Vicky has been deaf her whole life. She lives in Uganda and is a 27 year old single mum with 3 small children.
In Africa having a disability is very alienating. There is very little support or social services and people with disabilities are often shunned by their communities. It is difficult to get a job or get married. Vicky struggled to feed, clothe and educate her children.
Just one small hearing aid changed everything for Vicky.
Rob met Vicky this year on his trip to East Africa and one of our projects, Affordable Limbs for All in Kenya. He always travels with hearing aids and fit her with a MEND hearing aid and now she can hear for the first time in her life!
This changes everything. Now Vicky has plans…dreams…a future. “I’m hoping to finish my small house and help my extended family too”.
She’s started a small business – making bags out of amazing African fabrics.
“So making Jinja Bags is my passion, and my way out of poverty! And it will help other women here who sew with me!”
Would you like to buy one or some of her lovely bags – only NZ$20 each. We are hoping to build up the orders so Vicky has employment and also other sewing women in the community who have special needs kids.
Contact us with your order/s here
You can see more bags here (although the website isn’t quite ready yet):
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