Meet our Patients
Evans lives in the town of Meru on the north-east slopes of Mt Kenya in the heart of Kenya. Born deaf, Evan struggled to learn at his local school, until help arrived. This is his story…
Evans parents are very poor farmers and do not have the finances to pay for medical care for their son. Evans was born profoundly deaf and attending school was a huge challenge for him.
The school had no special learning aids or help for his disability. Finally Evans gave up and dropped out of secondary school in Form 3 (9th Grade).
A New Hearing Aid
Luckily Peter Maitima, the audiologist at the Kaaga School for Deaf in Meru, came on board to help. After Evans’ hearing was tested and assessed MEND supplied a pocket style hearing aid with no cost to his parents.
We source these wonderful hearing aids from China, and although they only cost US$22 plus shipping, they are high performance and can help even the profoundly deaf.
Back to School
Evans and his parents were overjoyed to received the hearing aid and Evans happily promised to return to school. Now he can enjoy learning with all his friends.
Further News: We can also report that the Hearing Association of South Canterbury in New Zealand very generously sent Peter a screening audiometer for calibration at the Kenya Society for the Deaf. Now Peter can help many other deaf children in Kenya.
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