(1) NAME
The name of the movement shall be Mobility Equipment For The Needs Of Disabled Trust, otherwise referred to as M.E.N.D. Trust.
To provide mobility equipment to disabled people in developing countries of the world, to improve their quality of life and give purpose and hope to a vast group of neglected human beings. Self help centres are to be set up locally with workshops where recycling, repairing and renting of existing mobility equipment is carried out, as well as the manufacture and distribution of sturdy, inexpensive, all-terrain designs. Employing and training of local people, in particular the disabled themselves, in workshop skills will be aimed at so that these centres become ongoing and self-supportive.
These centres will provide a nucleus for spreading of information on the disabled needs, and ways to improve their living standards. The establishment and initial running costs of these workshops will be seeded by funds raised via the M.E.N.D. Trust from donating charitable organisations, international service clubs, government grants. Each workshop will endeavour to become self-supporting through manufacture and sale or rent of mobility equipment and other goods. M.E.N.D. instructors will coordinate the workshops with help from volunteers and from linking up with existing institutions in each developing country such as hospitals, technical schools, and clubs.
(3) MANAGEMENT Trust management is by general meetings and committees.
(4) GENERAL MEETINGS A general meeting has the power to decide on any M.E.N.D. Trust matter. An annual general meeting is to be held each year. Committees may be appointed as required.
(a) It is the duty of the Director to supervise the business and affairs of the Trust, to attend and preside over all general meetings, to keep order and conduct the business, to prepare with the Secretary an annual report on the business and proceedings of the Trust during the previous year and to present the same to the annual meeting.
(b) The Director has the power, when presiding at meetings to exercise both a deliberative and, if necessary, a casting vote in all matters except election of office; to decide the order of removal from a meeting of any person obstructing the business of the meeting, or of any person not entitled to be present; by resolution of the meeting to adjourn a meeting, or to declare the result of a meeting, or that the meeting is closed.
(a) The Secretary shall be appointed by the Executive.
(b) It is the duty of the Secretary to call all general meetings and to take or have taken all minutes of such meetings.
The Secretary may speak at such meetings and may vote in accordance with these rules; to conduct the correspondence of the Trust; to keep a register of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all Trustees, their status and dates of joining; to carry out other duties as may usually pertain to the office of Secretary.
(a) The Treasurer’s duty is to attend all general meetings as required. He or she may speak at such meetings and may vote in accordance with these Rules; to collect and receipt all monies in the name of the Trust in a bank as approved by the Executive; to keep the accounts of the Trust; to prepare prior to each Annual General Meeting a Balance Sheet and a Statement of Income and Expenditure for the previous year and present them to the Annual General Meeting; to keep an up to date record of member’s financial status; to carry out other duties as may usually pertain to the office of Treasurer.
Trust shall have the power to borrow money at any time, on the security of it’s assets, such amounts as may be considered necessary or desirable. The Executive will execute any documents which may be required for the carrying out of the powers and objects of this Rule.
All legal documents are made in such a way and contain such provisions as required by law.
Any Trustee may inspect the books and accounts of the Trust at any reasonable time on making an application to the Secretary.
A copy of these Rules shall be given to each Trustee.
Each amendments to these rules must be approved by at least two-thirds of the Board, notifying all members of rule changes at least three weeks in advance of the vote.