MEND November News 2018

Dear Supporters

MEND has been busy in the last year helping set up prosthetics units in East Africa and getting young amputees in other countries fitted with quality limbs at lowest possible cost or donated when extremely poor. In all developing countries there is no government support for kids or youth / students who have lost limbs.

Catherine walks in Kenya:

Here’s a short video about Catherine walking now in Kenya. Snakebite is one big cause of limb loss, as is cancer, diabetes and motorcycle accidents, and even caused by medical neglect when plaster was put on legs too tightly.

Affordable Limbs for All

See the report here on the new limb centre in a suburb of Nairobi which is helping lower the cost of prostheses in that country. And likewise in Uganda and Tanzania we have similar programmes.

Report:  ALFA KENYA Quarterly Report Oct 31, 2018

Support Vicky in Uganda!

If you would like to buy a colourful, strong, cotton shopping bag we support women with disabilities in Uganda to start sewing to earn some income for their families. See JinjaBags started by Victoria, from Lake Victoria Uganda!!    


A good supply of these bags is arriving in NZ soon, and for $20 we will hold one for you including postage!

Thank You!

Thanks to so many hearing aid donors, and Hearing Association of NZ. We also have fit  250 “deaf” students in East Africa through donations of quality, recycled  and new hearing aids, bought in China. Many children, youth and adults we meet are not totally deaf – they just need a low cost hearing aid to help them hear. They can then attend school, work and start their own business.

  • Our hearing programmes are underway now in Kashmir, India and Tanzania.
  • If you can send us any unwanted hearing aids we will get another person hearing who cannot afford a hearing aid.

New Zealand Donors:

Did you know you get a 33% rebate from IRD on ALL donations to MEND from personal income. 

Here’s our bank account details: MEND ( ANZ acct: ) 01 0382 004 3240 00

All the best!

Rob Buchanan
MEND Director

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