Hi Supporters
When I arrived in Kenya on Feb 24 , 2017 I met a boy called Newton at the library in Meru. I could see he needed a shoe raise to correct his hip deformity that meant one leg was 4″ shorter than the other.

I called the orthopedic technician, Muchoki, at Meru Hospital to come and assess his shoe and we paid for new shoes at 1000 kshs..about $10. Muchoki then finally raised one shoe..charging 2500 kshs..about 4 times what other government hospitals charge in Kenya. But Muchoki never fitted the boy…and simply left the shoes at the library where they remained for 6 months.
I wrote about 20 emails trying to get anyone at the library or SOL, our partner..and Muchoki..to fit those shoes…but absolutely no interest by any of them.
Now it is Nov 30 and finally the shoes have been collected and still Newton has not been located though his mother was located..who also is not cooperating.
I find this very sad..but believable in East Africa where people do a lot of praying and worshipping but lack human kindness.
May we support Newton in his school work..after we all neglected him so long. I should not have trusted the local people who were not interested in helping Newton walk and taken an extra day to follow him up myself.!
Once we find Newton..he will get his shoes..and school fees and one youth we fitted with a nice above knee limb..will meet him to act as mentor.

And we are arranging a bmx bike for Newton. So he gets a bit more action in the coming days.
Don’t worry all ..we will take on the challenge of neglect!
Rob, MEND Director