Here are Rob’s latest Visual Newsletters showing our latest work in Africa. For up-to-date information check out our Facebook Page too.
Jinja Bags and Hearing for the First Time!
Vicky has been deaf her whole life. She lives in Uganda and is a 27 year old single mum with 3 small children. In Africa having a disability is very alienating. There is very little support or social services and people with disabilities are often shunned by their communities. It is difficult to get a … Read more
Living with a Seeping Wound in a Small Ugandan Village
Living in Dirt with a Seeping Wound I saw a most sad sight today in a village of Uganda. A woman of 20 who I thought was a girl of 12 living in a very dirty house. She has osteomyelitis, which is infection of the bone, and a seeping leg wound… It took us … Read more